Footer Layout
Allows for adjusting the display and layout of the footer area as well as the option to select the column layout options.
The layout settings will adjust between the 3 different sections to be shown i.e. copyright section only, both copyright section and widget/column sectio, columns/widgets section only.
Columns are used for widgets and each provides a section where widgets can be added to from the 'Appearance > Widgets' page. You'll be able to choose from displaying 2, 3 or 4 columns in this section.
The 'Headings', 'Content' and 'Copyright' sections allow for adjusting the font styles of these sections within the footer.
Footer Logo
Here you'll be able to add in logo for your site to be shown in the footer.
Footer Headings
This section will control the font styles of widget headings used in footer columns.
Footer Content
Here you'll be able to adjust the font styles of text included in the footer.
Footer Links
This will style the font used for links in the footer.
Footer Copyright
The font styling of the copyright text can be set here.
Background Styles
With these options you'll be able to adjust the background color of the footer area.
Extra Footer Settings
This section will define the copyright content to be displayed in the footer as well as enabling the display of the footer social icons as defined on the 'Header' tab as well as the Instagram image feed if this has been connected from the 'General Settings' tab.
Extra Signup Settings
This section will allow for adjusting the styling and content of the sign up section which can be used to allow users to provide you with their email address. This section is an independent data capture and will store the data on your site server. The data can be exported as a CSV to be used with 3rd party mailing lists.