Hero Menu does not natively support translation and this would have to be done by using tools such as ‘WPML’ or ‘Polylang’ and implementing multiple menus.
The integration of the menu would need to be updated in order to include the multiple shortcodes within your header and would also need to be within an ‘if’ statement in order to check which language is currently selected and so display the required menu.
An example snippet of code can be found below on how the integration could be done. Please note that this snippet assumes that the selected language is shown by a query string within the URL. The ‘THE_LANGUAGE_NAME’ would be replaced with the language code in the URL i.e. en for English
<?php //get the current URL $hmenu_actual_link = "$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"; //create the lang var and get the value $hmenu_slected_lang = explode('lang=', $hmenu_actual_link); if( $hmenu_slected_lang[1] == 'THE_LANGUAGE_NAME' ){ echo do_shortcode('[hmenu id=2]'); } else { echo do_shortcode('[hmenu id=1]'); } ?>