Please follow the instructions below to replace Bridge’s menu with HeroMenu. The menu within Bridge will interfere with HeroMenu, so we have to remove some code in order to make sure Bridge has no effect on HeroMenu.
Take Note
All changes are done within the header.php file. Start by making a backup of this file. Please also note in future that theme updates by the author will overwrite the header.php. So make sure that when you do a theme update, also do this bit in the header.php file again.
Manual Integration
Replace the following code: This code snippet begins on line 65 and ends on line 80 within header.php.
if($enable_vertical_menu) { echo qode_get_module_template_part('templates/vertical-header', 'header', '', $params); }else{ switch($header_bottom_appearance){ case 'stick menu_bottom': $header_appearance_slug = 'stick_menu_bottom'; break; case 'fixed fixed_minimal': $header_appearance_slug = 'fixed_minimal'; break; default: $header_appearance_slug = $header_bottom_appearance; break; } echo qode_get_module_template_part('templates/header-appearance/header', 'header', $header_appearance_slug, $params); }
With the following code:
echo do_shortcode('[hmenu id=1]');
The next change would be on the ‘Qode Options > Header’ page to set the ‘Header Type’ dropdown option to ‘Regular’.