1.16.5 - June 19, 2023
- FIXED - issue with PHP dynamic properties
1.16.4 - January 09, 2023
- FIXED - issue with variable product price display
1.16.2 - July 26, 2022
- FIXED - issue with includes of Google Fonts
1.16.1 - June 17, 2022
- FIXED - backend file reference issue
1.16.0 - June 8, 2022
- FIXED - file load issue present with some server security setups
1.15.9 - March 25, 2022
- FIXED - jQuery reference issue for menu initialisation
1.15.8 - February 22, 2022
- FIXED - issue causing navigation structure to not be sortable
1.15.7 - December 20, 2021
- FIXED - issue with preset settings
- FIXED - default hover color styling
- NEW - Added new options for mobile menu styling
1.15.6 - June 29, 2021
- UPDATED - Removed jQuery UI include
- FIXED - lighbox search overlay
- FIXED - 'Icons' page loading issue
1.15.5 - June 10, 2021
- FIXED - issue with submenu width setting
- IMPROVEMENT - Set sub-sub menus to auto close when another is opened
1.15.4 - June 09, 2021
- UPDATED - plugin compatibility
1.15.3 - January 26, 2021
- FIXED - icons display issue
1.15.2 - January 22, 2021
- FIXED - dropdown display issue
1.15.1 - January 20, 2021
- UPDATED - jQuery compatibility
1.15 - January 07, 2021
- UPDATED - jQuery UI version
1.14 - November 12, 2020
- FIXED - image variable access
- IMPROVEMENT - Changed string trim for excerpt
1.13 - September 10, 2020
- FIXED - styles for mega menu text column heading
1.12 - April 06, 2020
- UPDATED - variable escaping for views
- UPDATED - Hero Plugins backend logo
1.11.3 - October 25, 2019
1.11.2 - July 03, 2019
- IMPROVEMENT - Changed compatibility for custom user roles
- IMPROVEMENT - Allowed for shortcodes to be added through custom HTML widget
- FIXED - PHP notice when adding mega menu
1.11.1 - September 20, 2018
- IMPROVEMENT - dashboard tab layout
1.11.0 - September 07, 2018
- FIXED - frontend variables being included on page edit
- NEW - Added option to hide/show link for only logged out users
1.10.0 - October 26, 2017
- IMPROVEMENT - Mobile css updates
1.9.6 - November 16, 2016
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor back end updates to mega menu list items
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor front end updates to drop down menus
1.9.4 - October 24, 2016
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor back end updates to mega menu list items
1.9.3 - October 15, 2016
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor front end updates to google font api
1.9.1 - September 27, 2016
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor front end updates too woocommerce variable products
1.9.0 - July 20, 2016
- NEW - User roles have been added to navigational items.
- NEW - eyebrow menu added.
1.8.8 - June 02, 2016
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor front end updates
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor back end updates
1.8.7 - May 18, 2016
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor front end mega menu updates
1.8.6 - April 08, 2016
- FIXED - fix added for sticky menu, page wont jump when scrolling.
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor back end updates
1.8.4 - April 06, 2016
- FIXED - fix added for sticky menu, page wont jump when scrolling.
1.8.3 - February 19, 2016
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor front end styling updates
1.8.2 - January 15, 2016
- NEW - Added ability to specify a unique class for each navigational item
1.8.1 - January 04, 2016
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor front end updates for mega menu posts
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor front Google font updates
1.7.13 - December 21, 2015
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor back end updates
1.7.12 - December 03, 2015
- NEW - Separated sticky menu hover background color
1.7.4 - November 30, 2015
- FIXED - Dropdown menus flowing of screen.
1.7.2 - November 23, 2015
- FIXED - Removed variable reference from front-end
1.7.1 - November 18, 2015
- FIXED - Tablet font styling on front-end
- FIXED - Character encoding on front-end
- FIXED - Category list item updates for mega menu
1.7.0 - November 13, 2015
- FIXED - Tablet font styling on front-end
- FIXED - Character encoding on front-end
1.6.2 - October 12, 2015
- NEW - WooCommerce styling and functionality added to Hero Menu
- NEW - Post types can now be added to the menu and mega menu.
- FIXED - Minor back-end issues have been fixed.
1.6.1 - October 12, 2015
- NEW - WooCommerce styling and functionality added to Hero Menu
- NEW - Post types can now be added to the menu and mega menu.
- FIXED - Minor back-end issues have been fixed.
1.5.15 - October 06, 2015
- NEW - Post types can now be added to the menu and mega menu.
- FIXED - Minor back-end issues have been fixed.
1.5.11 - September 16, 2015
- FIXED - an issue with the back end UI affecting some users
1.5.9 - September 09, 2015
- UPDATED - Panel core update
- FIXED - an issue with the navigation group divider
- IMPROVEMENT - Increased mega menu image element text limit
1.5.8 - September 07, 2015
- FIXED - an issue with the navigation group divider
- IMPROVEMENT - Increased mega menu image element text limit
1.5.4 - July 30, 2015
- IMPROVEMENT - Mobile menu variable update
- IMPROVEMENT - Reduced front-end script load
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor mobile CSS query updates
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor mega menu updates
1.5.2 - July 13, 2015
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor mega menu updates
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor update to the generate class to remove setup_postdata
- IMPROVEMENT - Added in https within the panel core controller
1.5.1 - June 23, 2015
- FIXED - Resolved a icon loading issue
- NEW - Added target to mega image module within mega menu
- NEW - Added increased text limit for social menu items
1.5.0 - June 09, 2015
- FIXED - an issue with the sticky menu on mobile devices
- FIXED - an issue with the mobile toggle button
1.4.9 - June 02, 2015
- FIXED - IE hover fix for mega menu items
- NEW - You can now add URL's for mega menu items
1.4.5 - May 05, 2015
- IMPROVEMENT - Improved navigation structure item display
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor changes to style generation
1.4.4 - April 23, 2015
- IMPROVEMENT - Improved saving function.
1.4.2 - April 20, 2015
- FIXED - widget loading issue
- NEW - Added custom CSS section
- FIXED - Minor front-end mobile navigation fixes
- FIXED - an issue that would close mobile navigation on mobile
1.4.1 - April 10, 2015
- FIXED - Added validator fixes to menu front-end output
- IMPROVEMENT - Added alt attribute to logo
1.3.20 - April 02, 2015
- FIXED - an issue that would block icons displaying on certain browsers
1.3.19 - March 30, 2015
- FIXED - Mega Menu hover color fix
- IMPROVEMENT - Removed default title for navigation item's
1.3.18 - March 30, 2015
- FIXED - background image sizing within Mega Menu
1.3.17 - March 27, 2015
- IMPROVEMENT - Self-contained mobile styling
1.3.11 - March 24, 2015
- UPDATED - Mobius theme updates to mega menu styling.
1.3.10 - March 24, 2015
- NEW - Added the ability to link the logo to custom link/url
- NEW - Enabled WordPress function to allow for multi-site use
1.3.7 - March 19, 2015
- IMPROVEMENT - Improved menu load time
1.3.5 - March 17, 2015
- NEW - Added in basic nav item active states
1.3.1 - March 16, 2015
- IMPROVEMENT - Optimised Google font load
1.2.19 - March 13, 2015
- IMPROVEMENT - Optimised font pack loading with the addition of .woff2 file extension
- FIXED - a drop down issue within mega menu list items
- FIXED - a mega menu list item that would set url to false
1.2.18 - March 13, 2015
- IMPROVEMENT - Optimised font pack loading with the addition of .woff2 file extension
- FIXED - a drop down issue within mega menu list items
- FIXED - a mega menu list item that would set url to false
1.2.15 - March 04, 2015
- IMPROVEMENT - Optimised menu load speed and resolved related latency issues for some clients
1.2.9 - February 26, 2015
- FIXED - an issue that would affect some users with menu cache.
1.2.8 - February 25, 2015
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor backend UI changes
1.2.7 - February 25, 2015
- NEW - Ability to add a background image for the main navigation
1.2.3 - February 24, 2015
- IMPROVEMENT - Added 0% transparency to backgrounds
- NEW - Added cols 5 - 6 to mega menu
1.2.1 - February 18, 2015
- FIXED - Navigational sorting fix.
1.1.22 - February 16, 2015
- UPDATED - Menu reload updates
1.1.21 - February 14, 2015
- FIXED - Custom theme styling fixes
1.1.20 - February 13, 2015
- FIXED - Relative path fix for certain server environments
1.1.19 - February 13, 2015
- IMPROVEMENT - Navigation sorting update
1.1.18 - February 13, 2015
- FIXED - an issue with responsive queries
- NEW - Contact mega menu module has been extended to allow for general HTML code
1.1.17 - February 13, 2015
- FIXED - an issue with dropdown text hover color
1.1.16 - February 12, 2015
- FIXED - update file regeneration
1.1.1 - February 11, 2015
- FIXED - Frontend styling fixes
1.1.0 - February 11, 2015
- IMPROVEMENT - Backend styling updates
- IMPROVEMENT - Frontend styling updates
- IMPROVEMENT - Theme integration changes
1.0.4 - February 11, 2015
- FIXED - Frontend styling fixes
1.0.3 - February 10, 2015
- FIXED - Backend file fixes and updates
1.0.2 - February 10, 2015
- FIXED - Frontend Styling fixes
1.0.1 - February 10, 2015
- FIXED - Frontend Styling fixes
1.0.0 - February 05, 2015
- NEW - Development release
0.3.1 - February 04, 2015
- NEW - CodeCanyon submission