2.3.8 - June 17, 2022
- FIXED - backend file reference issue
- UPDATED - plugin logo
2.3.7 - June 8, 2022
- FIXED - plugin file load issue present with some server security setups
2.3.6 - March 28, 2022
- FIXED - translation string reference
2.3.5 - March 25, 2022
- FIXED - jQuery reference issue for map initialisation
2.3.4 - October 13, 3021
- FIXED - issue causing drawn shapes to not be displayed correctly
2.3.3 - October 06, 2021
- FIXED - map CSV import caused by a special character
- FIXED - PHP 8 issue for map imports
- FIXED - frontend search to zoom to searched location
- FIXED - file reference for marker clustering
2.3.2 - August 08, 2021
- UPDATED - CSV import
- UPDATED - open functionality in some files
- FIXED - external jQuery includes
- UPDATED - global variable names
- UPDATED - function names
- NEW - Added strict mode
2.3.1 - January 07, 2021
- UPDATED - jQuery UI version
2.3.0 - December 12, 2020
- FIXED - dropdown display issue
- IMPROVEMENT - Resolved jQuery library version issue
2.2.9 - December 08, 2020
- FIXED - CSV import issue with categories
2.2.8 - November 19, 2020
- IMPROVEMENT - Resolved map import issue with specific data set
2.2.7 - September 13, 2020
- FIXED - dropdown select issue
- NEW - full screen control option
2.2.6 - April 06, 2020
- UPDATED - Hero Plugins backend logo
2.2.5 - March 26, 2020
- FIXED - default marker ID for CSV imports
2.2.4 - March 09, 2020
- IMPROVEMENT - Changed user location request prompt to only appear when specific options requiring it are enabled
2.2.3 - February 25, 2020
- FIXED - Resolved XSS issue - CVE-2019-19134
- IMPROVEMENT - Set user location request to only prompt if options that require it are enabled
2.2.1 - February 04, 2020
- FIXED - an issue with getting a users current location
- FIXED - Resolved some variable escaping issues
2.2.0 - November 22, 2019
- FIXED - sanitization for 'p' variable
2.1.9 - November 05, 2019
- IMPROVEMENT - Allowed manual edit of latitude/longitude field
2.1.8 - July 04, 2019
- FIXED - backend API key requirement
- FIXED - CSV upload issue when adding more markers to existing map
2.1.7 - April 04, 2019
- FIXED - Resolved styling/positioning issue for 'get directions' button
- FIXED - an issue with CSV import formatting
2.1.6 - September 07, 2018
- FIXED - frontend variables being included on page edit
2.1.5 - June 28, 2016
- NEW - ability to insert a Google Maps JavaScript API key
2.1.3 - May 16, 2016
- FIXED - an issue with the marker clustering icon not displaying
2.1.2 - May 03, 2016
- FIXED - Minor Map import bug fix for additional character support
2.1.0 - May 02, 2016
- UPDATED - Cross-site scripting vulnerability patch
2.0.10 - February 11, 2016
- FIXED - Marker import HTML entity bug fix
2.0.8 November 19, 2015
- FIXED - Minor Map import bug fix
2.0.6 November 18, 2015
- FIXED - Minor Map clone bug fix
2.0.5 November 11, 2015
- IMPROVEMENT - Minor CSS changes for front-end search
2.0.4 November 10, 2015
- NEW - Added support for marker clustering
- NEW - Added Google fonts
- NEW - Added "show my location" control
- NEW - Added category tab system
- NEW - Added front-end search
- NEW - Added mobile scroll lock
- FIXED - Bug fix for map version updater
- FIXED - Bug fix for map importer
- FIXED - Bug fix for info-window HTML content
1.5.0 - October 06, 2015
- IMPROVEMENT - Update map controls to conform with Google Maps v3.22 JavaScript API
1.4.1 September 28, 2015
- FIXED - Minor bug fix for marker CSV importing
1.4.0 September 23, 2015
- IMPROVEMENT - Increased map load speed
1.3.1 - September 10, 2015
- NEW - Added category renaming functionality
- IMPROVEMENT - Added marker table paging
1.2.3 - September 08, 2015
- UPDATED - Update to Get Directions link for mobile app support
1.2.2 - September 08, 2015
- FIXED - Bug fix to cater for spacing in info window content area
1.2.0 - September 08, 2015
- NEW - Added Get Directions functionality to map markers
1.1.3 - September 08, 2015
- NEW - Added functionality to allow searching by coordinates
1.1.2 - September 07, 2015
- FIXED - Bug fix to cater for apostrophe in info window content
1.1.1 August 27, 2015
- FIXED - Bug fix for single quote in marker title
1.1.0 - August 27, 2015
- NEW - Added search result map indicator
- NEW - Added Marker CSV import functionality
August 19, 2015
- NEW - Development release