General Settings, Styling, Typography, Header, Footer, Contact, Blog, Newsletter, Home Slider, Testimonials, Woo Commerce, Demo activation
General Settings
Add your Favicon
Change 404 page details
Add custom code
Accent Colors – These will be available throughout the site to use as your accent colors.
Button Styling – Here you can set the color for all buttons on the site. Set your own font, font color and button background color.
Tags, Block quote styling can be done as well. Change color and fonts for all of these.
The default fonts and font colors should be perfect for any brand and site that you want to build, but we also give you the opportunity to change all fonts of the theme.
We’ve included all Google fonts and you can assign one of 4 accent colors to any bit of content on the site. Accent colors can be done under “Styling”.
A lot of these fonts get used in more than one place; so make sure you check all pages after you have made your change.
Set your navigation layout to include an eyebrow above your navigation or not.
Logo – Add your logo to the navigation. Make sure you upload it at about double the size you want it to display, to make sure it looks nice and crisp on all retina devices.
Sticky logo – You can upload a different logo for you sticky navigation if you want. Uploading the original logo is also fine.
Mobile Logo – Upload a smaller or less detailed logo here for your mobile navigation.
Layout Options – The following can be switched on or off – Login, Cart Icon, Wish list Icon, and Search Icon
Color and font settings for the full navigation can also be set here.
Social icons can be switched on. Set the primary color and hover color and choose which icons you want to show.
Choose your layout – You can choose to include columns with dynamic data or just a thin footer with some copy write info and maybe a list of your pages.
All text and text colors can be changed here. You can also change the footer background color.
Setting up your footer layout
Choose footer layout 2 or 3
Choose a footer column layout. Our demo site includes 4 columns, so we chose layout 1.
Adding content to your footer
Now browse to Appearance / Widgets in your WP sidebar.
You will see the four widget areas on the right hand side of this page(Called Footer Column 1 – 4)
You can now drag items from the left into the widget areas on the right.
Set the following
Sidebar, no sidebar
Enable tags
Enable author’s bio
Enable social icons
Signup Popup
Activate a signup popup.
Assign it to any page of your website.
Get people to sign up for your newsletter
All data will be stored in your WP database
This can be found under “Signups” in the WP sidebar
Exporting of this data can be done via InVogue/ImportExport
Home Slider
Here you can set up a slider to be used on the home page of your site
Add a few slides and edit them individually at the bottom of this page.
Choose if you want to use images only or add your own text
The fonts can be set under the “Typography” page
You can enable a sidebar for your products list page if needed
You can also enable social icons to be displayed
These icons can be set under the “sharing” tab
Here you can select which icons you want displayed on the relevant sections
Please note that you still have to enable it on the relevant setting page to display.
Products – Go to the WooCommerce tab to enable
Blog – Go to the Blog tab to enable
Import Export
This can be used to import style settings from one install to another. Say for instance you work on a dev server and there’s some changes and want to now include them on your live site, then you can do the following.
Click on “Generate Export Options”, copy everything from the box.
Go to your new/live site and paste this into the import box and click on “Import Options”