In order to display an Instagram feed using the Instagram Feed element on your site, you first need to connect an Instagram account.
Navigate to Appearance → inVogue Settings → General and scroll down to the 'Instagram Feed' section.
Select the 'Connect an Instagram account' button. If you are not logged into your Instagram account you will first be prompted to log in.
Once you have logged in you will be asked to 'Allow' sharing Profile Information and Media with Heroplugins. If you are already logged in, you will see this first. Although Media states that it is optional, if you do not allow sharing of media, the Instagram feed will not display.
Once you 'Allow' sharing, you will be redirected back to inVogue settings. Here you will see that you now have Instagram connected. You will now be able to 'Disconnect Account' if you need to.
Remember to 'Save Changes' before navigating away from the inVogue Settings panel.